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EP300 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody -20ºC保存,Western一抗稀释液-20ºC或4ºC保存,一年有效。Western一抗稀释液优先推荐4ºC保存,长期不使用可以考虑-20ºC保存,但冻融可能会导致出现轻微的浑浊和少量不溶物。 注意事项: E1A binding protein p300 (EP300) is a nuclear protein, a probable transcriptional adaptor required for the activity of certain complex transcriptional regulatory elements. It connects the basal transcriptional machinery to various DNA binding factors and connects this to its tissue specific expression. Ep300 (E1A binding protein p300) HGNC: Treefam, OrthoMCL, NCBI, HomoloGene, Panther, Ensembl: Chinchilla lanigera (long-tailed chinchilla): Ep300 (E1A binding protein p300) Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Pan paniscus (bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee): EP300 (E1A binding protein p300) Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Transitive Reactome is pathway database which provides intuitive bioinformatics tools for the visualisation, interpretation and analysis of pathway knowledge. 您知悉并同意,丁香通平台展示产品并非为平台自身产品,您发起询价或试用申请后,平台将会把您已提供或按要求提供的相关信息同步提供至所咨询的具体产品商家,由商家为您提供具体产品的价格咨询或产品试用注意事项及相关试用产品或完成相应购买,因此您知悉并授权平台将您的信息进行 EP300 (E1A Binding Protein P300) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with EP300 include Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome 2 and Menke-Hennekam Syndrome 2. Among its related pathways are Transcriptional regulation by the AP-2 (TFAP2) family of transcription factors and NOTCH2 Activation and Transmission of Signal to the Nucleus.

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本次ep300发布会及体验活动,普利司通将地点选在了位于江苏省盐城市的中汽中心盐城汽车试验场内。这样做的目的,是为了让体验者在最专业的 E1A binding protein p300 (EP300) is a nuclear protein, a probable transcriptional adaptor required for the activity of certain complex transcriptional regulatory elements. It connects the basal transcriptional machinery to various DNA binding factors and connects this to its tissue specific expression. Ep300 (E1A binding protein p300) HGNC: Treefam, OrthoMCL, NCBI, HomoloGene, Panther, Ensembl: Chinchilla lanigera (long-tailed chinchilla): Ep300 (E1A binding protein p300) Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Pan paniscus (bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee): EP300 (E1A binding protein p300) Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Transitive Among them, EP300 mutation was associated with higher TMB and indicated a favorable clinical prognosis. Furthermore, based on Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) and CIBERSORT algorithm, we observed that EP300 mutation upregulated signaling pathways involved in immune system and enhanced antitumor immune response.



EP300 - Explore an overview of EP300, with a histogram displaying coding mutations, full tabulated details of all associated variants, tissue distribution and any drug resistance data. e1a 结合蛋白 p300(ep300) 重组蛋白 多年致力于重组蛋白表达,抗体制备研究,我们目前拥有大量的商业化表达载体质粒包括多种标签质粒( his , gst , sumo , flag 等标签)以及高质量的扩增和表达菌株(包括低温诱导表达菌株, 10-16 ℃低温诱导表达),以保证每一个重组蛋白表达的品质。 Product # Description Species Reactivity Application Add to Cart : HPA004112 Anti-EP300 antibody produced in rabbit Ab2, Prestige Antibodies ® Powered by Atlas Antibodies, affinity isolated antibody, buffered aqueous glycerol solution : human


Dell ControlVault固件更新 驱动程序详情 Dell 中国

SGC-CBP30是强效的 CREBBP/EP300 抑制剂,无细胞试验中 IC50 分别为21 nM 和 38 nM。 作为一个CREBBP/ EP300-选择性化学探针,SGC-CBP30在U2OS细胞和HeLa 细胞中显示中度的细胞毒性。 参考文献 [1] Structural Genomics Consortium CBP/EP300-IN-2 is an inhibitor of CBP/EP300 (IC50s: 1.07 nM and 5.96 nM for CBP/HTRF and Myc) extracted from patent WO2017205538A1 (example 25). 此页面(本网站)所展示的维修服务商的信息,仅作为市场资讯供消费者参考之用。对于维修服务商所展示信息的合法性、真实性、准确性,我们无法做出任何保证或承诺,请您在选择维修服务商时注意甄别服务商的主体资格、经营资质、报价、服务内容等相关信息。 《我的世界匠魂生存》是游戏视频专辑,爱奇艺在线观看《我的世界匠魂生存》高清视频节目。节目简介:小月和阿阳在新的冒险世界中会遇到哪些困难 他们又将怎样去克服这些困难? EP300 耐高温型橡胶输送带 apricity {follow1764529842 ? '已关注' : '关注'} {fansNum1764529842} 2019年09月11 铁三角ath-ep300是安全旅行必备的一款耳机。简单易用的功能保障了良好的使用体验;选用高品质材质保证了使用的安全与长寿命,带来诸多便利,让你的旅行更丰富,更惬意,更温馨。


铁三角ath-ep300是安全旅行必备的一款耳机。简单易用的功能保障了良好的使用体验;选用高品质材质保证了使用的安全与长寿命,带来诸多便利,让你的旅行更丰富,更惬意,更温馨。 EP300 is defined as an acetyltransferase that can acetylate histone and has been broadly studied in several chronic diseases, including cancer, inflammation and fibrosis. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between p300 and DDR1 in the pathological processes of pulmonary fibrosis. EP300 Rabbit Polyclonal Antibody -20ºC保存,Western一抗稀释液-20ºC或4ºC保存,一年有效。Western一抗稀释液优先推荐4ºC保存,长期不使用可以考虑-20ºC保存,但冻融可能会导致出现轻微的浑浊和少量不溶物。 注意事项: E1A binding protein p300 (EP300) is a nuclear protein, a probable transcriptional adaptor required for the activity of certain complex transcriptional regulatory elements. It connects the basal transcriptional machinery to various DNA binding factors and connects this to its tissue specific expression. Ep300 (E1A binding protein p300) HGNC: Treefam, OrthoMCL, NCBI, HomoloGene, Panther, Ensembl: Chinchilla lanigera (long-tailed chinchilla): Ep300 (E1A binding protein p300) Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Pan paniscus (bonobo/pygmy chimpanzee): EP300 (E1A binding protein p300) Transitive Ortholog Pipeline: Transitive Reactome is pathway database which provides intuitive bioinformatics tools for the visualisation, interpretation and analysis of pathway knowledge. 您知悉并同意,丁香通平台展示产品并非为平台自身产品,您发起询价或试用申请后,平台将会把您已提供或按要求提供的相关信息同步提供至所咨询的具体产品商家,由商家为您提供具体产品的价格咨询或产品试用注意事项及相关试用产品或完成相应购买,因此您知悉并授权平台将您的信息进行

EP300 - Explore an overview of EP300, with a histogram displaying coding mutations, full tabulated details of all associated variants, tissue distribution and any drug resistance data. e1a 结合蛋白 p300(ep300) 重组蛋白 多年致力于重组蛋白表达,抗体制备研究,我们目前拥有大量的商业化表达载体质粒包括多种标签质粒( his , gst , sumo , flag 等标签)以及高质量的扩增和表达菌株(包括低温诱导表达菌株, 10-16 ℃低温诱导表达),以保证每一个重组蛋白表达的品质。 Product # Description Species Reactivity Application Add to Cart : HPA004112 Anti-EP300 antibody produced in rabbit Ab2, Prestige Antibodies ® Powered by Atlas Antibodies, affinity isolated antibody, buffered aqueous glycerol solution : human 爱普生微信小程序打印方案是基于移动端的云打印方案,可让您脱离电脑实现无线打印,简化打印流程,适合在家庭中随时随地轻松使用。如您想了解微信小程序打印的详细操作指南,欢迎访问爱普生官网观看体验。

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